Dept. of Ophthalmology, University of Mainz
Director: Prof. Dr. N. Pfeiffer MD
Correlation of Functional and Structural Outcomes with Serum Antibody Profiles in Patients with...
Lab Hero Award 2023 Dr. Caroline Manicam is Winner of the Lab Leader category from a total of 160...
Adaptive responses of neuronal cells to chronic endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. Pham TNM,...
EVER AWARD The Scientific Committee of EVER 2023 awarded Dr. Caroline Manicam for the Best Poster...
EVER AWARD The Scientific Committee of EVER 2023 awarded Dr. Natarajan Perumal for the Best Poster...
Glaucoma Research Award 2023 Jeff Kristian Nzogang Fomo, MSc. was awarded from the Scientific...
Dr. Caroline Manicam was awarded with the EVER/EVERf Award for Best Poster in the G Section at the...
On 16th July 2021 Dr. Caroline Manicam received the Roland Britz Glaucoma Award 2021 for...
Dr. Carsten Schmelter was awarded by the German Ophthalmological Society for the publication: „...
Dr. Vanessa Beutgen received the Glaucoma Research Prize 2020 from the German Ophthalmological...